Many people think branding and stop at their logo. Really, a brand is a collection of who you are, what you do, and why people should pay attention. If there are people looking at you, then you have a brand standard to uphold. Customers buy a brand, the actual product is no longer the deciding factor. The cannabis market is full of similar products. Stand out against competition by assigning an identity to your product or service.

Every brand has a purpose. This is your chance to make a positive impact on the cannabis community.

What’s My Brand?

It’s not something that you can find out in a quiz. Instead, take a moment to reflect with yourself (or your team) about why you are doing what you’re doing. What do you want to share with the world? Who could it potentially help? Asking yourself questions like these help you map out how you will eventually interact with your audience.

Why Care?

Businesses shouldn’t solely focus on numbers, but invest some time into molding the personality for your product or service. Every brand has a purpose. This is your chance to make a positive impact on the cannabis community. But consumers aren’t the only people that experience your branding. Staff, partners, and (potential) investors all internalize your product or service’s brand. Every time anyone interacts with your brand, it will strengthen the relationship with the company.

Being The Brand

In such connected times, there are hundreds of touch points between the public and your brand. As a brand you have your audience looking at you not only for what you offer, but to find out more about who you are and how they can engage with you. Everything you share on these channels represent the values you align yourself with, and it matters. Whether the outcome is positive, negative, or neutral depends on how well it aligns with your established brand’s personality. What you post can effect how people in the future find you, your content lives on the internet and can be pulled up at any time. It’s so important to always think back to your brand – that collection of who you are, what you do, and why people should pay attention. This is where a Style Guide can save so many headaches (do I smell a blog post?).

Explore the Growing Pains

Getting that one-on-one time with your brand helps you understand your audience’s point of view, but it can honestly show you areas that need attention. At times, you will feel torn about if posting one thing or another could shift your brand’s personality. That’s why developing that foundation will help you stay true to the brand you are building. The choices will become easier.

What Now?

Get exploring! Write down who you are, what you do, and why people should care. Give them a reason to care. Share your experiences. Create unique, high-grade content that captures your dream consumer’s eyes. When you have a solid product or service, invest in design to bring your brand even more to life with a logo and accompanying aesthetic that accentuates what you’ve built. Love what you do and do more of what you love.